Command line interface

See below for a the command line interface.

Toml sort: a sorting utility for toml files.

usage: toml-sort [-h] [--version] [-o OUTPUT] [-i] [-I] [-a]
                 [--no-sort-tables] [--sort-table-keys] [--sort-inline-tables]
                 [--sort-inline-arrays] [--no-header] [--no-comments]
                 [--no-header-comments] [--no-footer-comments]
                 [--no-inline-comments] [--no-block-comments]
                 [--spaces-before-inline-comment {1,2,3,4}]
                 [--spaces-indent-inline-array {2,4,6,8}]
                 [--trailing-comma-inline-array] [--check]
                 [F [F ...]]

Positional Arguments


filename(s) to be processed by toml-sort (default: -)

Named Arguments


display version information and exit

Default: False

-o, --output

output filepath (default: ‘-‘)

-i, --in-place

overwrite the original input file with changes

Default: False


silently check if an original file would be changed by the formatter

Default: False


change sorting behavior

-I, --ignore-case

ignore case when sorting

Default: False

-a, --all

sort ALL keys. This implies sort table-keys, inline-tables and inline arrays. (default: only sort non-inline ‘tables and arrays of tables’)

Default: False


Disables the default behavior of sorting tables and arrays of tables by their header value. Setting this option will keep the order of tables in the toml file the same.

Default: False


Sort the keys in tables and arrays of tables (excluding inline tables and arrays).

Default: False


Sort inline tables.

Default: False


Sort inline arrays.

Default: False


exclude comments from output


Deprecated. See –no-header-comments

Default: False


remove all comments. Implies no header, footer, inline, or block comments

Default: False


remove a document’s leading comments

Default: False


remove a document’s trailing comments

Default: False


remove a document’s inline comments

Default: False


remove a document’s block comments

Default: False


options to change output formatting


Possible choices: 1, 2, 3, 4

the number of spaces before an inline comment (default: 1)

Default: 1


Possible choices: 2, 4, 6, 8

the number of spaces to indent a multiline inline array (default: 2)

Default: 2


add trailing comma to the last item in a multiline inline array

Default: False


  • Stdin -> Stdout: cat input.toml | toml-sort

  • Disk -> Disk: toml-sort -o output.toml input.toml

  • Linting: toml-sort –check input.toml input2.toml input3.toml

  • Inplace Disk: toml-sort –in-place input.toml input2.toml

Return codes:

  • 0 : success.

  • 1 : errors were found


  • You cannot redirect from a file to itself in Bash. POSIX shells process redirections first, then execute commands. –in-place exists for this reason